In spite of taking every precaution, the unthinkable can occur and hearing aids break - usually at the worst possible time.
In many cases, we may be able to quickly diagnose the problem and repair your instrument immediately in our office. For more complex repairs, your instrument may need to be sent back to the manufacturer. At times, loaner hearing aids may be available to use while your aid(s) are being repaired.
Limited in house repair service available on all makes. Factory repairs are typically $300 per aid and will come with a 12 month manufacturer's warranty.
To schedule an appointment for repair please call .
There is a wide range of prices for hearing aids depending on the technology involved. Call to schedule an appointment and see which is best for you.
The price of hearing aids can vary from as little as $300 to as much as $3,000. There are many things that can contribute to the cost of a hearing aid. Here are just a few:
We also offer unbundled prices which range in cost between $1200 - $2200 per aid, with special package options for additional services such as cleaning, adjustments, etc. If you want to learn more about the benefits, pros and cons of different hearing aid styles and types, feel free to make an appointment at our office.
Cleaning is an important part of maintaining your hearing aids. If your reciever, microphone, or ear canal become blocked by ear wax, then your overall hearing experience is likely to be hampered. If you wear hearing aids, we strongly recommend that you routinely clean your ears and hearing aid components.
In the event that you find yourself unable to clean your Hearing Aids properly, don't hesitate to come visit us.
Here are a few tips concerning the care of your hearing aids. Improper care could result in your hearing aid becoming damaged.
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